All About Me Meme

It’s Easy to Talk About Yourself When people are asked to introduce themselves or write a short bio it seems like the majority say it’s too hard to talk about themselves. In all honestly we talk about ourselves all day. We interject pieces of ourselves into conversations, relate to other’s stories when they talk about…

Music Meme

Music is an important part of our existence from the time we were in our mother’s womb listening to her heart beat through the many decades of artistic music exposure. The right song contains enough sentimental value to make us laugh, cry, or just give us an overall sense of nostalgia. While some of us…

100 Word Blog Challenge

Day 8 – Nimoy This is kind of old news but I reviewed Leonard Nimoy’s photo book The Full Body Project (Warning: nudity) a few years back. If you have not seen it yet it is worth checking out. It definitely gave me a new perspective on the man as a creative artist. For many…

100 Word Blog Challenge

Day 7 – Procrastination Procrastination has always been my other middle name. I could have an assignment due two weeks from now and think about it every day and not have anything genuine come to mind. Nothing, nada. Then the day before I will bubble over with ideas and concepts and end up with a…