Journal Mondays Writing Prompt
Journal for 15 minutes about something that keeps you up at night (or something in your recent past that has).
Journal for 15 minutes about something that keeps you up at night (or something in your recent past that has).
For the next twenty minutes journal about an unusual wedding.
Journal about the joy of dancing by yourself and/or with another person.
For the next fifteen twenty minutes write about a time in history (other than current) that you think you would fair well in. Describe the time period for a few minutes and what you like about it then elaborate with at least five reasons why you think your personality is suited for that time period…
Journal about the ever increasing fascination scientists have with how the body works. Include three areas that you think that science has gone too far and three areas where science has not gone far enough.
Make a list of 50 items that you would have in your apocalypse survival guide.
Let’s do a mind map today. In the center of a clean page write “Me”. Around this put five words that you would use to describe your personality. Around each of these words put the names of five people you know who share the same quality. When you are done journal about the results. Do…
You and the five people you love the most are trapped (you decide on location) and you can only save four of the five. Journal about which four you would choose and why. Of the five people who would be most likely to leave you behind and why?