Journal Monday’s Writing Prompt
Think for a few minutes how you are accommodating to other peoples needs and desires? Journal for fifteen minutes about at least three ways. If you are not particularly accommodating then journal three reasons why.
Think for a few minutes how you are accommodating to other peoples needs and desires? Journal for fifteen minutes about at least three ways. If you are not particularly accommodating then journal three reasons why.
Journal about your friendships today — what makes your good friendships good and your bad friendships bad — include at least five for each and provide one example.
Ten quick answer prompts to add to your journal for today: 1. Fine tip or medium? 2. Whole wheat or white? 3. Coffee or tea? 4. Standard or automatic? 5. Pounds or kilograms? 6. Flowers or shrubs? 7. Recliner or couch? 8. Beer or liquor? 9. Wedding or elope? 10. City or nature? When you…
Journal for fifteen minutes or more about the dirtiest mess you have ever been in.
Journal about the threat of nuclear war? Do you think it is over for North America? Or do you think it is just on the back burner while the smaller countries are catching up to technology? Would you want to know of an impending attack or would you just like to keep going about your…
For the next fifteen minutes (or longer) explore the experience of laughter in your life. Do you laugh easily? Can you laugh at yourself? How do you react to others laugh at you?
Journal fifteen minutes or longer about what you think your life would have been like if you had been born and raised in another country.
Journal for fifteen minutes about your first memory of Tater Tots. Yes, I am serious.