Fourth Purple Star

Last night when I was busy working on my third lens for my Squidoo Summer Course it never occurred to me that it would be rewarded a purple star so quickly (or at all really). I woke up this morning and there was a message in my inbox that it was purplized. This is my…

Third Purple Star

Earlier this year I succumbed to peer pressure and bought the four books in the Twilight book series. Within a few weeks I had devoured them and now consider myself a convert. As far as I’m concerned Stephenie Meyers rocks. When I was done I decided to make a Squidoo lens reviewing each book followed…

Second Purple Star

The Squidoo Team awarded me a second purple star this past week. This time it was for my lens that followed my Lasik eye surgery experience from start to finish. I’m so glad I decided to start this lens before I even went under the laser. Reading over it now, I wrote things I never…

A Purple Star

Over at Squidoo they have instituted a purple star award for exceptional lenses from Giant Squid lensmakers. They describe lenses given a purple star as “one of the most remarkable pages on the entire site”. Being awarded a purple star increases the rank of the lens as well as the visitors. But of course the…