Journal Mondays Writing Prompt
If someone were to surprise you with something special this week what would you want it to be? Journal for fifteen minutes about the special surprise.
If someone were to surprise you with something special this week what would you want it to be? Journal for fifteen minutes about the special surprise.
Set your timer and for the next fifteen minutes journal about whether you truly believe there is life on other planets. Include a list of ten reasons why and ten reasons why not.
In your journal make a list of fifty words for acts of kindness.
I thought about skipping the whole love prompts this week but then it just felt weird not acknowledging Valentine’s Day at all. I have been trying to brain storm ideas that were not mushy, or lovey dovey, or anti-whatever but it was really hard. Here are ten journaling prompts — pick one that works for…
Define what a miracle means to you. What aspects are necessary for you to consider something a true miracle? If you can include an example.
Journal about how you combat loneliness.
Make a list of fifteen people you are thankful for being in your life today.
Journal ten thoughts about the homeless. *** Topic Links 365 Journaling Prompts