How Do You Introduce Yourself
Are you a writer or do you write? Getting used to introducing yourself as a writer takes some practice. The first time you say it it feels foreign coming off your tongue. If you haven’t said it yet, now is as good a time as any.
First you have to decide what kind of writer you are. Are you a fiction writer, freelance writer, romance writer, content writer, grant writer? Once you decide on which label, because that’s really all it is, then you need to work on an explanation. No one will let you pass as a title, no matter how descriptive you think your label is. They’ll want a specific explanation; unless they are also a writer, they probably won’t have a clue what your talking about. Having an explanation ready will take the pressure off you.
So use your writing skills now and write a terse 2-3 line explanation of what kind of writer you are. Keep it short, you’re not delivering a speech. Something in layman’s terms so the non-writing people you’re talking to will understand without a doubt. There’s nothing worse than staring at a group of dumbfounded faces after you’ve put your fresh label out there.
Once you’ve written and revised your title and description next comes practice. Say it a few times out loud. You may have to revise it a bit after you’ve actually heard yourself say the words. Say it a few more times. Say it to the stuff animal on the shelf, say it to the baby, the husband, say it until it becomes like chocolate melting in your mouth.
Now you’re ready. Go introduce yourself to the world.