Flip Flopping

Feet sweat. They sweat more in summer. Did you live in your flip flops last year? Sweat and rubber are a great breeding ground. Chances are they are not going to survive the washer and giving them a wipe just isn’t going to kill those nasty bugs and odour. So toss ’em ladies! It’s time to replace those flip flops.
yoga sandals
I have been doing Yoga for about six years now so when I see the word come up, my interest perks up. I was reading a green magazine and came across these interesting flip flops called Yoga Sandals and thought they would be a perfect addition for poolside and pretty much everywhere we tend to wear flip flops that we shouldn’t.
They come in ten different colors but the style is basically the same. I know it is surprising but I particularly like the white and the black ones (they also have denim ones on sale). They range in price from $24.95 to $29. Unlike the single thong sandal these ones are suppose to be more comfortable and offer better alignment and support. Each pair comes with a little loop for you to add your favorite charm. Kind of cute. They sell charms or you can add your own.
Topic Links
* Get your own pair of Yoga Sandals
* Plus size swimwear

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